

The aim of the training is to provide participants with knowledge in the field of project management using the agile approach. The training is based on the concept of combining DSDM Atern, a recognised methodology of agile project management, with Scrum, the most popular methodology of agile manufacturing process management. The basis of the training is "The DSDM Agile Project Framework for Scrum" by DSDM Consortium. The training participants will gain knowledge about the roles and responsibilities, process, products and practices of the DSDM Atern methodology and its connection with Scrum. Through exercises and simulations, participants will learn how to use this combination of approaches in practice.

Training addressees

The training is aimed at project teams: project managers, business representatives, team leaders, business analysts and architects.

Training materials

  • Printout of the materials used during the training (presentation)
  • A set of office supplies

Additional information

Duration of training : 2 days
Group size: Up to 12 people
Conditions for participation: No prerequisites

Accreditation / Substantive basis

The training covers certified Scrum and Agile Project Management / DSDM Atern methodologies. The concept of combining these methodologies is based on “The DSDM Agile Project Framework for Scrum”.

The knowledge presented in the workshop is based on many years of experience in the implementation and application of Agile, and on global best practices, standards and reports.

The workshop leader is a certified, experienced trainer and an expert in the implementation and application of Agile methods.

Downloadable materials

Conditions for participation in training / exams, instructions and forms

Training scope

Day 1:

  • Module 1: Agile basics – key benefits, differences between an agile and a traditional approach, agile software development manifesto, choice of methodology for the project, review of agile methodologies.
  • Module 2: DSDM Agile Project Framework – DSDM Atern and Scrum methodologies, and their fusion: The DSDM Agile Project Framework for Scrum (Agile PF), project variables according to Agile PF, project phases, increment and sprint, methodology product map.
  • Module 3: Agile PF roles – roles at the level of Project Team, Scrum Team, and other roles.
  • Module 4: Launching the project in Agile PF – overview of project launch phases and the techniques used in each one.
  • Simulation 1: Launching project “Poster” – implementation of the project planning phase: definition of product vision and project scope (Product Backlog), prioritisation (MoSCoW), estimation (Story Points, Velocity), architecture, schedule, definition-of-done.

Day 2:

  • Module 5: Evolutionary production in Agile PF – Scrum methodology, its ceremonies and artefacts, and good practices.
  • Simulation 2: Production in the “Poster” project – implementation of two Sprints: Planning, Daily Scrum, Review and Retrospective, group poster production
  • Module 6: Implementation and closure of a project in Agile PF – implementation and closure phases, and their products.
  • Module 7: Reporting and control in Agile PF – control and reporting issues.
  • Module 8: Summary of the training – role of the manager in the implementing the agile approach, good practices in team support and changes in the organisation, discussion.
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